Some Photos & Fancies

Photographs; & questions you wouldn't think to ask yourself…

Probing interest

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There are things that interest us, then there are things that really interest us. We may be interested in something in a detached way, but there are things that we’d like to probe into more deeply, or even take them apart. There can be nothing finer than finding something you’re curious about, then being able to dig into it, take it apart, or observe it minutely to see or hear what is really going on. This hands-on approach is one of the best, if not the best, way to learn almost anything. If you are careful and don’t try to probe too deeply into something that may harm you or another, actual involvement gives you a direct path to your brain and you can’t help but learn. Learning is a joy in itself, but is not always painless, especially if you happen to learn things about yourself that you are not always happy with. Interest in who you are and probing into yourself are immensely valuable to you, for not only do you learn more and more about yourself, you learn to appreciate  your accomplishments, you learn where you can stand to grow a bit, and you learn which goals may be the best for you to approach next. Having probed yourself you are able to judge where and how to probe other things to your best advantage, and how not to probe hurtfully or ineffectively. Don’t you have things you would like to probe more vigorously?

Author: EllenphanPhotos

I've been struck many times by the thoughts that run through my head when I'm outdoors and contemplating nothing in particular. The thoughts can be profound or silly, sad or joyful, relevant or not. But they're always there. And with just a bit of concentration they can lead to the most astonishing places and on the most convoluted trails. Exploring those vagaries and jigs and jogs is fun. I'm attempting to find more of these trails to see if they lead anywhere or nowhere, because even nowhere is somewhere. The bits and pieces of the outdoors help to make the indoors survivable. Photos help bring the outdoors in and remind me of many of the thoughts I had while still outside, a very valuable tool they are, too.

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