Some Photos & Fancies

Photographs; & questions you wouldn't think to ask yourself…




Not all opportunists are after only tangible things – you will find that they can be seeking your physical labor, your mental labor, your mental support, your warmth of spirit and sense of what is right. They want all this from others rather than taking the time for figure out or seek for themselves. And they want these things right now! One must be careful when dealing with opportunistic people for you will find you are making and following through on any or all plans to be made. You will also be the one to define and maintain any kind of moral compass or insist that principles agreed upon will be followed. It is wise to look out for such traits in people you find you are constrained to work with or spend any leisure time with. Once you are aware that such a person will be a part of a group you are included in, or you are thrown together with this person on your own, it would be best to set guidelines at the outset of your association so that you will not find yourself compromising your own values and ethics. This can be done if you trust yourself enough to set those guidelines. If you must work with an opportunist, isn’t it better that you are in control?