Some Photos & Fancies

Photographs; & questions you wouldn't think to ask yourself…



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When little things get us down, or when big things get us way down, we all can do with a little support. Or a lot. Asking for support doesn’t mean we are incapable or incompetent; asking for support can mean that we want some encouragement, a place to vent frustrations and furies, or request some specific kind of task be done. We cannot live alone in a vacuum and expect to accomplish all that we set out to do. Inevitably what we do will affect others and to be effective we must have contact with others to encourage us or to mentor us to help us along the way. Having support when we are emotionally vulnerable is a necessity, no matter how loudly we may choose to deny it, we cannot suffer in a void and expect to survive intact without the support of at least one individual, and preferably, support from a network. Though we might want to avoid many of those at work or in other required places we find ourselves, again, we cannot go on and on, day after day, in a place without some kind support right there, on the spot. Support is not an unbearable thing, support can be a comfort and a refuge, it can alleviate disappointment and applaud success. Why not take or request support when you need or want it?