Some Photos & Fancies

Photographs; & questions you wouldn't think to ask yourself…



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As an expression of derision or defiance mooning, streaking, or any extravagant public gesture are rather crude and point to the mooner’s need for public recognition rather than to a well-thought-out agenda designed to make a specific point. And the moonies realize it. Which allows them to mock, laugh, and take pleasure from the moonies’ antics; since the primary function of the mooning episode is to garner attention, the kinds of attention is irrelevant and the fact that there are a variety forms may be exactly what stimulates the mooner. Titillation, shock, and embarrassment are nectar to the moonies’ senses and can only provoke more, and more ingenious, episodes of the activity. Unfortunately for the moonie, it does not take long for the behavior to become boring and passe and for the mooned to become blase to the prancing about of moon-white globules of amateurly shaken donkey-butt. The flame of mooning burns brightly, but only for a fleeting moment before the protagonist fades back into obscurity. Wouldn’t you rather plan and execute something of lasting value instead of receive a moment of fame for something of no lasting value?